WANYAMA Babybody Charcoal
100% cotton (organic) from Tanzania
Handmade and printed in Kenya
Darf es ein bisschen mehr sein? Ja, unbedingt! Für alle Eltern und Kinder, die von unseren Designs einfach nicht genug bekommen, schicken wir dieses Design ins Rennen: ein Shirt, komplett gehüllt in die einzigartigen Zeichnungen der SchülerInnen aus Tansania und Kenia. An unseren Partnerprojekten entstehen diese Zeichnungen nämlich als Teil des Naturkundeunterrichts. Während die Kinder in der Schule lernen und malen, werden nicht weit entfernt in lokalen Familienunternehmen unsere Shirts hergestellt und per ökologischem Siebdruck veredelt. Und so von Familie zu Familie – da weiß man, worauf es ankommt. Man muss zusammenhalten und sich gegenseitig unterstützen. Deshalb werden durch die Verkaufserlöse dieses besonderen Shirts zum einen die Schulen unterstützt, an denen die Zeichnungen entstanden sind, und zum anderen sichere Arbeitsplätze bei unseren Partnerbetrieben garantiert. Kipepeo, eine echte Familienbande eben.

The manufacturing of all Kipepeo products, starting from the cultivation of organic cotton to the finished garment, takes place locally in Tanzania and Kenya.
This creates a holistic cycle based on fundamental principles of fairness, transparency and sustainability and, through an economic approach, supports social projects in East Africa.

Our Print Designs
The designs we print on Kipepeo products are drawn by pupils during regular school lessons such as natural history in schools in Tanzania and Kenya. Martin and Goodluck explain how the idea of Kipepeo Clothing came about and how the designs are created today.
Cultivation of Organic Cotton in Tanzania
Ashura and Zacharia from Biosustain Ltd. in Singida explain how (organic) cotton is cultivated within a small-scale rainfed agriculture in Tanzania, parameters of fair pricing for (organic) cotton and methods of keeping pests away by the use of natural fertilizers instead of chemical pesticides.
From Cotton to Fabric / Manufacturing and Dyeing of Fabrics
We show you how cotton is ginned, yarn is spun out of it and processed by large circular knitting machines into fabrics. Also, Aditya and Martin explain how the industrial wastewater from the dyeing process of textiles is recycled.
Sewing and Screen-Printing
The final production step comprises the cutting of fabrics which then are made ready to be printed with ecological screen printing. "Meet our Team"- Fridah, Sabine and Martin introduce to you our employees at Kiboko Leisure Wear in Kenya.
Social Commitment / Support for School Projects
Through the selling of Kipepeo products, we promote schools and education in East Africa. In the following, we show you to what extent our partner projects in Tanzania and Kenya have been supported by Kipepeo-Clothing since 2008. In recent years, Kipepeo-Clothing has received several awards for social and economic commitment. Amongst others, we received the renowned "Making a Difference" Award from Dr. Jane Goodall, we were honored in the "Land of Ideas" competition of the German Federal Government in the category "Economy" and we gained a top 3 ranking in the category "Business Partnerships" of the German Sustainability Award.